Filter & search LinkedIn messages

We are dedicated to bringing the best messaging experience to LinkedIn to help you browse, answer, and nurture all the budding relationship that could be had on the #1 professional network in the world.

One of these missions is to help you browse and organize your conversations in the best way possible.

Use tags as sub-folders

Every Tag you assign in Poked becomes a sub-folder. This allows to quickly see messages from people you know, or organize your sales or hiring messages in separate campaigns.

Use filters to quickly find unanswered messages

Poked offers a bunch of filters to sort more deeply your conversations:

  • Your turn. To see all the messages that need your attention.

  • They turn. To see all the messages that people haven't answered to.

  • Unread. Messages that haven't been opened yet.

  • Snoozed. To see messages that have been snoozed.

  • Archived. For all the conversations that are inactive and archived.

Snooze conversations

Snoozing a conversation helps clear your inbox while making sure that it will come back in your inbox at a better time. This is one of the most under-rated feature help busy people keep a clean inbox and follow-up efficiently.

Right now, the Poked search is applied only to recipient's name. If you wish to search on the content of your messages, upvote this feature on our roadmap.

Last updated